ChartDirector 7.1 (C++ Edition)
void setRoundedFrame(int extColor = 0xffffff, int r1 = 10, int r2 = -1, int r3 = -1, int r4 = -1);
Sets the border style of the chart to rounded corners.
The underlying drawing surface for a chart is always rectangular. When rounded corners are used, part of the drawing surface (the regions external to the rounded corners) will be outside the chart border. The extColor argument specifies the color to be used for the external regions. Typically, it is set to the same color as the background the container that will be hosting the chart.
For example, in a web page, the extColor may be set to the same color as the web page background.
Argument | Default | Description |
extColor | FFFFFF | The exterior background color. |
r1 | 10 | The radius of the top-left rounded corner in pixels. |
r2 | -1 | The radius of the top-right rounded corner in pixels. -1 means it is the same as the radius of the top-left corner. |
r3 | -1 | The radius of the bottom-right rounded corner in pixels. -1 means it is the same as the radius of the top-left corner. |
r4 | -1 | The radius of the bottom-left rounded corner in pixels. -1 means it is the same as the radius of the top-left corner. |
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