The example demonstrates various tree map layout methods for multi-level tree maps.
In ChartDirector, each node in a tree map can be configured to use a different layout method for its child nodes using
TreeMapNode.setLayoutMethod. The The prototype node, available via
TreeMapChart.getLevelPrototype, can also be used to set a default layout method for nodes a certain level.
[Web Version (in ASP)] aspdemo\multileveltreemaplayout.asp
<%@ language="vbscript" %>
Set cd = CreateObject("ChartDirector.API")
' This script can draw different charts depending on the chartIndex
Sub createChart(viewer, chartIndex)
' The first level nodes of the tree map. There are 4 nodes.
names = Array("A", "B", "C", "D")
' Use random numbers for second level nodes
Set r = cd.RanSeries(11 + chartIndex)
series0 = r.getSeries(6, 10, 100)
series1 = r.getSeries(6, 10, 100)
series2 = r.getSeries(6, 10, 100)
series3 = r.getSeries(6, 10, 100)
' Colors for second level nodes
colors0 = Array(&Hddeedd, &Hbbeebb, &H99ee99, &H77ee77, &H55ee55, &H33ee33)
colors1 = Array(&Hffeedd, &Hffddbb, &Hffcc99, &Hffbb77, &Hffaa55, &Hff9933)
colors2 = Array(&Hddeeff, &Hbbddff, &H99ccee, &H77bbee, &H55aadd, &H3399dd)
colors3 = Array(&Hffeeff, &Heeccee, &Hddaadd, &Hcc88cc, &Hbb66bb, &Haa44aa)
' Create a Tree Map object of size 400 x 380 pixels
Set c = cd.TreeMapChart(400, 380)
' Set the plotarea at (10, 35) and of size 380 x 300 pixels
Call c.setPlotArea(10, 35, 380, 300)
' Obtain the root of the tree map, which is the entire plot area
Set root = c.getRootNode()
' Add first level nodes to the root. We do not need to provide data as they will be computed as
' the sum of the second level nodes.
Call root.setData(Empty, names)
' Add second level nodes to each of the first level node
Call root.getNode(0).setData(series0, Empty, colors0)
Call root.getNode(1).setData(series1, Empty, colors1)
Call root.getNode(2).setData(series2, Empty, colors2)
Call root.getNode(3).setData(series3, Empty, colors2)
' Get the prototype (template) for the first level nodes.
Set nodeConfig = c.getLevelPrototype(1)
' Hide the first level node cell border by setting its color to transparent
Call nodeConfig.setColors(-1, cd.Transparent)
' Get the prototype (template) for the second level nodes.
Set nodeConfig2 = c.getLevelPrototype(2)
' Set the label format for the nodes to include the parent node's label and index of the second
' level node. Use semi-transparent black (3f000000) Arial Bold font and put the label at the
' center of the cell.
Call nodeConfig2.setLabelFormat("{parent.label}{index}", "Arial Bold", 8, &H3f000000, _
' Set the second level node cell border to white (ffffff)
Call nodeConfig2.setColors(-1, &Hffffff)
If chartIndex = 0 Then
' Squarify (default) - Layout the cells so that they are as square as possible.
Call c.addTitle("Squarify", "Arial Bold", 15)
ElseIf chartIndex = 1 Then
' Slice and Dice - First level cells flow horizontally. Second level cells flow vertically.
' (The setLayoutMethod also supports other flow directions.)
Call c.addTitle("Slice and Dice", "Arial Bold", 15)
Call root.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapSliceAndDice)
ElseIf chartIndex = 2 Then
' Binary Split by Size - Split the cells into left/right groups so that their size are as
' close as possible. For each group, split the cells into top/bottom groups using the same
' criteria. Continue until each group contains one cell. (The setLayoutMethod also supports
' other flow directions.)
Call c.addTitle("Binary Split by Size", "Arial Bold", 15)
Call root.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapBinaryBySize)
Call nodeConfig.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapBinaryBySize)
ElseIf chartIndex = 3 Then
' Layout first level cells using Slice and Dice. Layout second level cells using Binary
' Split By Size.
Call c.addTitle("Slice and Dice + Binary By Size", "Arial Bold", 15)
Call root.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapSliceAndDice)
Call nodeConfig.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapBinaryBySize)
ElseIf chartIndex = 4 Then
' Layout first level cells using Slice and Dice. Layout second level cells using Squarify.
Call c.addTitle("Slice and Dice + Squarify", "Arial Bold", 15)
Call root.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapSliceAndDice)
Call nodeConfig.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapSquarify)
ElseIf chartIndex = 5 Then
' Layout first level cells using Binary Split By Size.. Layout second level cells using
' Strip. With Strip layout, cells flow from left to right, top to bottom. The number of
' cells in each row is such that they will be as close to a square as possible. (The
' setLayoutMethod also supports other flow directions.)
Call c.addTitle("Binary Split By Size + Strip", "Arial Bold", 15)
Call root.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapBinaryBySize)
Call nodeConfig.setLayoutMethod(cd.TreeMapStrip)
End If
' Output the chart
Call viewer.setChart(c, cd.SVG)
' Include tool tip for the chart
viewer.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*>{parent.label}{index}: {value|2}'")
End Sub
' This example includes 6 charts
Dim viewers(5)
For i = 0 To Ubound(viewers)
Set viewers(i) = cd.WebChartViewer(Request, "chart" & i)
Call createChart(viewers(i), i)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Multi Level Tree Map Layout</title>
<!-- Include ChartDirector Javascript Library to support chart interactions -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="cdjcv.js"></script>
<body style="margin:5px 0px 0px 5px">
<div style="font:bold 18pt verdana;">
Multi Level Tree Map Layout
<hr style="border:solid 1px #000080; background:#000080" />
<div style="font:10pt verdana; margin-bottom:1.5em">
<a href="viewsource.asp?file=<%= Request("SCRIPT_NAME") %>">View Chart Source Code</a>
<!-- ****** Here are the chart images ****** -->
For i = 0 To Ubound(viewers)
Call Response.Write(viewers(i).renderHTML())
Call Response.Write(" ")
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