Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control

Real-Time Chart Example in C++ (MFC, Qt), C# (.NET Windows Forms, WPF) and Java

Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control in C++ (MFC, Qt) and C# (.NET) This example demonstrates a real-time chart with a viewport control. It is based on the Real-Time Chart with Zooming and Scrolling sample code in the ChartDirector distribution with the following changes:


*** Note *** : If you are new to ChartDirector, it is recommended you download ChartDirector from the download page to try it. It includes complete ChartDirector documentation as well as plenty of sample code designed as tutorials. The following assumes you already have some basic understanding of ChartDirector.
The sample code in this page is included as part of the "Real-Time Chart Extra Sample Code Pack".
Real-Time Chart Extra Sample Code Pack for C++ (MFC, Qt)
Real-Time Chart Extra Sample Code Pack for .NET (C# Windows Forms, WPF)
Real-Time Chart Extra Sample Code Pack for Java (Swing)


The followings are links to the documentation of the original Real-Time Chart with Zooming and Scrolling sample code.